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RE: [Phpgroupware-developers] moving API from LGPL to GPL???

From: Christian Böttger
Subject: RE: [Phpgroupware-developers] moving API from LGPL to GPL???
Date: Wed, 27 Aug 2003 13:40:28 +0200


> From: Dave Hall [mailto:address@hidden
> Sent: Monday, August 25, 2003 10:10 AM
> To: address@hidden
> Subject: Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] moving API from LGPL to GPL???


> We currently have a LGPLd api, which also contains some GPL code.
> The api license was changed from GPL to LGPL - the legality 
> of which has been questioned by some.

Well ... anyone around who knows enough about copyright laws and L/GPL to
give a definte answer? Otherwise wre just playing hide and seek in the fog
on a moonless night...

> I support the change for the following reasons:

I beg to differ. I'm strongly in favor of leaving the API under LGPL.

> If there is any doubt of the change from GPL to LGPL it 
> should be reversed

No, the authors of the remianing GPL code should be contacted and asked to
switch to GPL.

> I don't think we meet the current FSF guidelines for using the LGPL -
> see  

Well, even if you're right,  that's not the law... 

> I think a GPLd api will reduce the possibility of those who are not
> committed to the project cashing in.  I have no problem with someone
> making a buck, but they should also give something back if 
> they benefit so much while contributing nothing.

LGPL doesn't stop anyone from contributing... 



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