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Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] Proposal to add inter-app linking system t

From: Joseph Engo
Subject: Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] Proposal to add inter-app linking system to API
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 2004 01:17:11 -0400
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.6 (Windows/20040502)

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Take a look at what I did with datamine in nextgen.  (There is also
some very brief docs in wiki about it).  The code is a little messy
right now, but the concepts are good.  This will be a little harder to
pull off in HEAD, but its possiable.

The greatest thing about datamine, is symbolic and hard links.  They
are very powerfull and make life much easier.

Brian Johnson wrote:

| This has been bounced around before and I think everyone agrees
| that it has potential for being very useful
| Since there hasn't been much activity on it and I've been playing
| with infolog and it's linking system, I propose that the infolog
| linking system (which is already in a separate class under the
| infolog directory) be moved into the api.
| Basically, it uses one table (phpgw_links) to maintain links
| between records in two apps.
| A hook is provided by each app that wants to allow linking to it's
| records
| Another hook is provided by each app that wants to allow listings
| of it's records by other apps.
| I have used it for timetrack and it works.
| I envision the ability of multiple apps to become different views
| into the data and this should lead to that.
| Consider this email as a proposal to the coordination team (if that
| is necessary).
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