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Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] the app HR - take over?

From: Sigurd Nes
Subject: Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] the app HR - take over?
Date: Thu, 10 Nov 2005 22:22:15 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.7 (Windows/20050923)

I might something you need.

to add xslt-support to phpgroupware you need this patch:
to apply the patch:
patch -p0 < patchfile.diff

You might find something you need from the app property - which is an
XSLT app.
The app property have (amongst other things) a metadabase for entitites
which you can administrate from Admin->Property->Admin entity.
Here you can add entity-categories - and for each entity-categoriy you
can add attributes (of almost any any type).


The entity "equipment" can have the category "Fire alarm central"
the entity-categoriy can have the attribute "status" as a listbox,
attribute2 as date (which is validated during input), attribute3 as
checkbox and so on...

You will need to give access to this entity-categoriy from

The actual entity-categoriy will show up in the menu Property->Equipment.

Select the category "Fire alarm central" and you can start entering records.



Mauricio wrote:
> Uhh.. may be my app can't help you... or can... i don't know!
> I've been working on an app (really four apps very similars) that
> generates research questionnaires (forms) on an automatic way.
> It's for an network of non-governamental organization that assists
> youngs, the apps will manage the Youngs, Educators, Organizations and
> Activities informations.
> At this moment there aren't an administration tool, the questionnaries,
> questions, alternatives, etc need to be inserted directly on database.
> And only four types of questions are allowed: open answer (text),
> alternatives, multiple alternatives and date.
> Future (very near) plans includes an app to generate reports crossing
> the informations, export to CSV (for Execel and others import) and SPSS
> (statistics program).
> I'm developping on phpgw 0.9.16, but have interest to know what you are
> planning for next versions... I read something about XSLT templates,
> very good, since I couldn't do phplib's tpl work how I want!
> Congratullations to everyone who worked on phpgw!!!
> And sorry my poor english...
> Regards,
> Mauricio.
> Sigurd Nes wrote:
>> At this point it is not very well defined - but my company (a public
>> housing company) is looking into purchasing a human resource competence
>> management system - and the price tag is rather steep. Since we already
>> are using phpgroupware for facilities management - and I know how to - I
>> am thinking of adding what we need into phpgroupware.
>> The basic features would be like:
>> * List of education and courses per user.
>> * List of type of experience pr categories and period and a rating of
>> skills per user.
>> * Ability to generate a standardized CV as PDF and Excel (also good for
>> openoffice)
>> * The user will maintain the information - which possibly (as option)
>> needs approval from a moderator per record.
>> * Job-requirements profile - and matching against relevant users to
>> reveal need for training/education.
>> * Users wish list for training education.
>> Do this sound feasible?
>> I am really interested in what you have been working on.
>> Regards
>> Sigurd
>> Mauricio wrote:
>>> Do you have some references on what a system like that may do?
>>> May be I'm working on something similar... or probably useful.
>>> Regards,
>>> Mauricio
>>> Sigurd Nes wrote:
>>>> Is the app hr used for anything ?
>>>> Would it be ok for me to take it over and make something comprising a
>>>> competence management system?
>>>> Regards
>>>> Sigurd

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