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[phpGroupWare-developers] phpgw stabilization and alpha relase

From: Maât
Subject: [phpGroupWare-developers] phpgw stabilization and alpha relase
Date: Tue, 03 Jun 2008 16:14:08 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20080504)

Hi, all

Sigurd Nes a écrit :
I have a stable-stable - posted on

The latest one I am using for full scale production is the

I think it would be nice to avoid locking everything when there are only some specific points on wich we cannot reach a common position.

I looked at the tree Sigurd provided and i think there are many things we can include right now in phpgw without bloody fight.

I have started to identify differences from trunk and i will send patches from this comparison here... so that we move on to have this alpha published as clean as possible i propose apply these patches on trunk if i'm not blasted before i try to commit ( /me puts on he's iron helmet just in case...)

If there are patches that could bring technical issues i did not foresee please just answer to the patch proposal so that i delay the considered patch inclusion.

Here is the first patch on phpgroupware/redirect.php (rather simple thing to begin with)

plz let me know what you think

Index: redirect.php
--- redirect.php        (revision 18589)
+++ redirect.php        (working copy)
@@ -13,8 +13,16 @@
        //Get the session variables set for non cookie based sessions
-       if (! (@isset($_COOKIES['PHPSESSID']) || @isset($_COOKIES['sessionid']) 
) )
+       if ( !isset($_COOKIES['PHPSESSID']) 
+               || isset($_COOKIES['sessionid']) ) 
+               // nothing else we can do
+               if ( !isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) 
+                               && isset($_GET['go']) )
+               {
+                       Header("Location: {$_GET['go']}");
+                       exit;
+               }
                $get = array();
                $url = parse_url($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
                parse_str($url['query'], $get);
@@ -25,14 +33,15 @@
-       $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags'] = array(
-                                       'currentapp'    => 'home',
-                                       'noheader'      => True,
-                                       'nonavbar'      => True,
-                                       'noappheader'   => True,
-                                       'noappfooter'   => True,
-                                       'nofooter'      => True
-                                       );
+       $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags'] = array
+       (
+               'currentapp'    => 'home',
+               'noheader'              => True,
+               'nonavbar'              => True,
+               'noappheader'   => True,
+               'noappfooter'   => True,
+               'nofooter'              => True
+       );
        * Include phpgroupware header
@@ -39,7 +48,7 @@
-       if( @isset($_GET['go']) )
+       if( isset($_GET['go']) )
                $_GET['go'] = html_entity_decode($_GET['go']);

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