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Re: [phpGroupWare-developers] IMPORTANT : SVN Structure change (Was Re:

From: Sigurd Nes
Subject: Re: [phpGroupWare-developers] IMPORTANT : SVN Structure change (Was Re: Who wants to play?)
Date: Sat, 21 Nov 2009 23:14:18 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20090817)

Maât wrote:
Sigurd Nes wrote:
Thanks Sigrud.

Glad to see you have started to put new things into your "personal"

Hope you'll find a little bit of time to explain quickly the big
differences between each base trunk  app and your work so that we know
what could be looked at for later merging :)

I'm done - Take it for a spin :)

The main difference are
- That db-abstraction is converted to pdo (faster and more secure) -
and that innodb is default for Mysql (to support transactions).
The db-object supports db-cloning - which I really really need - so
please don't remove it.
In you personal repository *nobody* except you is supposed to play :
you're your own master. If you don't remove it then it will not be
removed (not by me whatever).

but till the feature is considered fool-proof, suited for stable
release, tested against regressions and accepted by all the coordinators
team it's merge into base repository  could be delayed

please do not consider this as a personal offence... it's just paranoïa :)

By all means - but the current trunk is really a mess.
If you don't want to use my version as base for improvements - I will recommend to revert to the state of before Dave's mega patch -and take it from there.

- New template (set as default)
i'll give a look a t it :)

/me just being curious :)

- (most)Third party libraries are updated to latest.
cool :)

- runs on php version 5.3
cool :)

- mcrypted all settings in if set
If mcrypt is installed and set to "true" - the db-name/db-user/db-password is encrypted. Making it more secure.

- Admin can set preferences on behalf of users
*very* cool

- working Interlink - links (two-ways) items across the system
*very* cool

- properly working install/uninstall.

Other than that: massive fixes for ACL, LDAP, conversion of users
handled as object (before:arrays), session handling and more...
SOAP and XMLRPC is updated to latest and works as client and service -
but the old services need attention.

I recommend that we take it further from the current state rather than
trying to merge back single fixes.
well i'm not all for this way of doing things. I know previous gigantic
merges from resight have been done and accepted but thats (imho) the
best way to create problems.

This ones fixes all the problems induced by the previous mega-patch :)
Also - it is tested - and runs in a production environment.


i'd prefer to merge nice-featuire by nice-feature

* Working modules(personal trunk):

(projects - well - kind of)

* system trunk:
email might work(if configuration is correct): if it hangs - delete
the menu-hook and restart apache

Could you explain more this case please ?

Just so that i understand why deleting menu-hook  could improve things :)
It stops the process of trying to connect to the wrongly configured pop/imap-server when loading the menu.
The email app is a weak spot...


thanks Sigurd for this *big* contributiuon. It's up to us *all* to work
and merge these features into reference repository :)

Another coming feature (in a few weeks) is general support for jasper reports

To make it easy to test - I have uploaded this version to:

Keep in mind that you need pdo - and I recommend PostgreSQL 8.3 and above.

Install all apps and try it:)



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