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Re: [Protux-devel] Compile error

From: Martin Herren
Subject: Re: [Protux-devel] Compile error
Date: Thu, 09 Jan 2003 12:15:07 +0100
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tapio laxström wrote:

Martin Herren wrote:

but i think we'll have to live with these questions untill the 0.17.x serie... where things should improve.

Have we allready located the problem? Is it in the dist hook of the

we'll probably try to remove the whole admin directory during the 0.17 dev serie... i've been partly successful by autotooling mustache without the admin dir...(it works, but isn't really usable for everyone yet, but no more make -f admin/Makefile.common step)

mustux has now it's own m4 macro to check it's installation and version (and a mustux-config script used by the macro) what is missing is still a good qt m4 macro... but we can write our own, based on kde's (which is used now), and the one in automake's macro archive (which is used by my mustache experimentation)

the aim is to have a

in the for any application using libmustux, and this macro checks for mustux (headerfile, library, minimal version and so on) and then sets the following variables:

and a

which will check for qt and set
There should also be a way to specify that we require the -mt version...

I already commited the AC_PATH_MUSTUX macro (mustux.m4 in mustuxlib's cvs) and it seems to work well, the only problem is that it expects QT_LIBS; QT_CXXFLAGS to be set before been called, or it will fail.


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