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Re: Scatterplot

From: John Darrington
Subject: Re: Scatterplot
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 2009 08:45:38 +0000
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.18 (2008-05-17)

Your original question was about fitting a curve, rather than
plotting one.

Plotting an arbitrary curve would require the GGRAPH command
which we don't currently implement.


On Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 05:01:26PM -0700, David Nasatir wrote:
> Thanks, Jason.
> Using the syntax below, I do, indeed, obtain the desired statistics and  
> the variables PRED and RESID are created.  Now, how do I get the  
> scatterplot using PRED and RES without leaving PSPP?
> Thanks again,
> David
> Jason Stover wrote:
>> With the REGRESSION procedure, the syntax would be something
>> like this:
>>      /VARIABLES= educ
>>      /DEPENDENT=      happy
>>      /SAVE= PRED RESID.
>> You can then make scatterplots using residuals and predicted values.
>> On Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 09:42:48AM -0700, David Nasatir wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I'm the guy trying to fit a line to a scatterplot in PSPP. 
>>> John Darrington suggested it might be done using the REGRESSION  
>>> procedure with "...a bit more manual work".
>>> What would that work be?  What steps should I follow?
>>> I understand that the syntax in SPSS would be something like:
>>> * Curve Estimation.
>>>  /PLOT FIT.
>>> but, of course, that doesn't work in the version of PSPPIRE 0.7.2 
>>> that I have been using
>>> At the moment I must move the data to Open Office Calc, do the  
>>> regression using that program and then insert a line.  I would rather 
>>> just stay in PSPPIRE 0.7.2 if possible.
>>> Thanks for your help and for all the good work you have been doing
>>> David
>>> John Darrington wrote:
>>>> On Sun, Jul 19, 2009 at 08:37:54PM -0300, michel wrote:
>>>>         Hello,
>>>>     A Windows user is asking me if there is some way to fit a curve to a
>>>>     scatterplot on PSPP. I don't think it is possible
>>>>     so far, but I don't know for sure.
>>>>     Is there some way to do this?
>>>> Not exactly.  The procedure would be CURVEFIT, which we don't currently
>>>> implement.
>>>> But the job could be done with the REGRESSION procedure - the user just
>>>> has to do a bit more manual work.
>>>> J'
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