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Re: [Qemu-devel] SPARC iommu mapping

From: Joerg Platte
Subject: Re: [Qemu-devel] SPARC iommu mapping
Date: Fri, 7 Apr 2006 23:33:47 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.9.1

Am Freitag, 7. April 2006 17:44 schrieb Blue Swirl:
> Thank you for the excellent analysis of the problem! Looks like Qemu
> doesn't handle the case where DMA length and SCSI length are not equal.


> So Linux splits the transfer into two parts to use two separate pieces of
> buffers. Funny, I thought this situation was exactly the one which
> virtually addressed DMA would prevent from happening.

I read somewhere, that Solaris and Linux unfortunately do not try to allocate 
subsequent virtual addresses.

> Yes, there will be an interrupt. I didn't find this situation in the
> NCR53C9X.txt file documenting the ESP, though.

Me too. I tried to understand what's going wrong, but it is not that easy to 
understand the Linux source, if you don't know much about the hardware and 
the esp/iommu/dma/sbus architecture. 

> There are two cases:
> 1 - DMA length shorter than SCSI (your case)
> 2 - SCSI length shorter (could happen in command replies etc.)
> Maybe this patch helps?

Unfortunately not. I tried a similar approach, but it didn't work. Here is the 

First the mapping, similar to the one described in the last mail:

IOMMU: page flush f0039000
IOMMU: page flush f003a000
IOMMU: page flush f003b000
IOMMU: page flush f003c000
IOMMU: page flush f003d000
IOMMU: page flush f003e000
IOMMU: page flush f003f000
IOMMU: page flush f0040000
IOMMU: page flush f0041000
IOMMU: page flush f0042000
IOMMU: page flush f0043000
IOMMU: page flush f0044000
IOMMU: page flush f0045000
IOMMU: page flush f000e000

Then the transfer, which stops after three pages, since the Transfer 
information len is 12288:

ESP: Transfer Information len 12288
ESP: DMA Direction: r, addr 0x0bdea000 0000e000
ESP: DMA address p 0bdea000 v f0039000
ESP: DMA address p 0bdeb000 v f003a000
ESP: DMA address p 0bdec000 v f003b000
ESP: Write callback (offset 224 len 112 size 57344 trans_size 12288)

Now I would expect, that "somebody" (maybe the esp inerrupt handler) updates 
the dma registers to map the remaining pages. But this does not happen. Linux 
simply unmaps the old mapping:

IOMMU: page flush f0039000
IOMMU: page flush f003a000
IOMMU: page flush f003b000
IOMMU: page flush f003c000
IOMMU: page flush f003d000
IOMMU: page flush f003e000
IOMMU: page flush f003f000
IOMMU: page flush f0040000
IOMMU: page flush f0041000
IOMMU: page flush f0042000
IOMMU: page flush f0043000
IOMMU: page flush f0044000
IOMMU: page flush f0045000
IOMMU: page flush f000e000

and configures a new one:
IOMMU: page flush f000f000
IOMMU: page flush f0010000
IOMMU: page flush f0011000
IOMMU: page flush f0012000
IOMMU: page flush f0013000
IOMMU: page flush f0014000
IOMMU: page flush f0015000
IOMMU: page flush f0016000
IOMMU: page flush f0017000
IOMMU: page flush f0018000
IOMMU: page flush f0019000
IOMMU: page flush f001a000
IOMMU: page flush f001b000
IOMMU: page flush f001c000

Then, a few pages of the new mapping are written to disk:
ESP: Transfer Information len 36864
ESP: DMA Direction: r, addr 0x0bdfa000 0000e000
ESP: DMA address p 0bdfa000 v f000f000
ESP: DMA address p 0bdfb000 v f0010000
ESP: DMA address p 0bdfc000 v f0011000
ESP: DMA address p 0bdfd000 v f0012000
ESP: DMA address p 0bdfe000 v f0013000
ESP: DMA address p 0bdff000 v f0014000
ESP: DMA address p 0be00000 v f0015000
ESP: DMA address p 0be01000 v f0016000
ESP: DMA address p 0be02000 v f0017000
ESP: Write callback (offset 336 len 112 size 57344 trans_size 36864)

Then this ara is unmapped, and Linux continues with the next area.

Hence, your patch avoids the zero mapping, but it does not provide the 
required information which should result in a new dma addressing to write the 
remaining mapped data. Tomorrow, I'll try to enable more debbugging in the 
Linux driver to try to find out what's going wrong. But with a real hardware 
it's more difficult to get an idea of the internal functions :( 


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