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[Qemu-devel] Cannot boot my VM image after switching to ahci.

From: Alex Davis
Subject: [Qemu-devel] Cannot boot my VM image after switching to ahci.
Date: Wed, 23 Apr 2014 13:33:45 -0700 (PDT)

I currently run my QEMU VM using the following command:
/spare/qemu-1.7.1/bin/qemu-system-x86_64 -soundhw ac97 -sdl -vga std -net 
nic,macaddr=de:ad:be:ef:89:32 -net user -m 2048 -enable-kvm -drive 
file="$1",media=disk,if=ide,index=0 -drive 
file=/dev/sr0,media=cdrom,if=ide,index=1 -boot c -smp 2

I'm trying to run the VM using the following command:
/spare/qemu-1.7.1/bin/qemu-system-x86_64 \
-machine type=q35,accel=kvm \
-acpitable file=/spare/qemu-1.7.1/share/qemu/q35-acpi-dsdt.aml \
-soundhw ac97 \
-sdl -vga std \
-net nic,macaddr=de:ad:be:ef:89:32 \
-net user \
-m 2G -enable-kvm \
-device ahci,id=ahci0 \
-drive file=win7.img,if=none,id=drive-sata0-0-0,index=0,media=disk \
-drive file=/dev/sr0,if=none,id=drive-sata0-0-1,index=1,media=cdrom \
-device ide-drive,bus=ahci0.0,unit=0,drive=drive-sata0-0-0,id=drive-sata0-0-0 \
-device ide-cd,bus=ahci0.1,unit=0,drive=drive-sata0-0-1,id=drive-sata0-0-1 \
-boot menu=on -smp 2 -monitor stdio

I get 0x00000007B unable to find boot device. I can boot into rescue mode and 
start a command prompt: the 'disk' and 'cdrom' 
are seen as d: and e:, instead of c: and d:. Any suggestions?

I code, therefore I am

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