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[Qnxscreen-dev] It Begins!

From: Chris McKillop
Subject: [Qnxscreen-dev] It Begins!
Date: Sat, 27 Oct 2001 05:53:10 -0400

hey everyone...

        I got a place setup on savannah.gnu.org for mail lists and CVS
access.  I will keep using http://qnx.wox.org/qnxscreen/ for the main
homepage for now since it is easier for me to admin.  I would recommend
to everyone to get accounts on savannah so you can access the cvs tree
with read/write abilities.

        How many of you have your 'screens already?  Of those people
how many have flashed something like Linux in place?  One of the first
projects we need done is a method of getting anything in-place on the
TuxScreen from under QNX so people don't need to have Linux installed.
Any takers? ;)

        I expect that next weekend (first weekend of Nov) I will have
my first crack at getting the 'screen booting QNX.  Once i have the
startup written for it we can all start working on input drivers,
graphic drivers, sound, etc, etc.  I would recommend that people get
the DDKs and become familiar with how these subsystems of QNX work
from a programming perspective.

        That is enough for tonight.  TTYL.


  address@hidden                  "The faster I go, the behinder I get."
  Chris McKillop                             -- Lewis Carroll --
  Software Engineer, QSSL

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