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Re: [Quilt-dev] patch for alternate setup mode

From: Andreas Gruenbacher
Subject: Re: [Quilt-dev] patch for alternate setup mode
Date: Thu, 9 Feb 2006 00:47:32 +0100
User-agent: KMail/1.8.2

Hello Brian,

On Wednesday 08 February 2006 18:34, Brian J. Murrell wrote:
> Hello,
> I work for Cluster File Systems.  One of my current projects is to
> (finally) eliminate our use of a custom version of quilt (the b_cfs
> branch).  It seems that "stock quilt" comes very close to allowing us to
> do this with the exception of the "setup" step.
> As per a previous conversation with Andreas, please find the patch
> below.  It allows one to do this:
> $ quilt setup -l path/to/series/file -d path/to/patches/directory
> This setup mode assumes that the series file is a list of patch files
> and that the patch files listed in there are in the
> path/to/patches/directory.  These setup switches create symbolic links
> in . to the specified series file and patches directory.  i.e.:
> lrwxrwxrwx   1 brian brian    53 Feb  8 12:04 series ->
> ../b1_4/lustre/kernel_patches/series/2.6-rhel4.series lrwxrwxrwx   1 brian
> brian    39 Feb  8 12:04 patches ->
> ../b1_4/lustre/kernel_patches/patches///
> One can then do quilt push/pop operations normally.

I still don't get it: the setup command currently sets up a source tree from a 
set of tarballs and a set of patches by untaring the tarballs and creating 
symlinks back to the patches directory. If a spec file is passed, it 
additionally figures out which the tarballs and patches are.

If you are working against a cvs tree, how does the source tree get created 
that you want to have the series and patches links created in? Don't you use 
a script for creating that tree from the cvs? If it's a script, then why 
can't that script create the symlinks in the first place, instead of adding 
some weird options to the setup command?


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