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Re: [RP] Utilities (aka, "how do you...")

From: Daniel Maturana
Subject: Re: [RP] Utilities (aka, "how do you...")
Date: Tue, 7 Oct 2014 01:41:48 -0400

On Fri, Oct 3, 2014 at 4:32 AM, Jeff Abrahamson <address@hidden> wrote:
> 1. Screenshot. Does anyone know a good rp-compatible screenshot program that
> doesn't require popping up a window along the way, sort of like
> "gnome-screenshot --area --clipboard" but without the gnome dependency? (I'd
> also like one that drops to a file.)

scrot works, but most of the time I just reach for imagemagick's
import. You can click
on windows or select an area.

> 2. Audio. Does anyone have a good rp-friendly way of dealing with sound
> (volume up/down)? I'd rather not try to get the gnome widgets working in
> stalonetray just for this. On my laptop, amixer works. On my desktop, it
> doesn't. Altogether, I'd like to get what gnome has: me not having to think
> about audio.

I have a key binding to 'amixer sset Master 5db+' to increase volume,
similar to decrease.

> 3. Storage mounting. When I plug in an SD card from my camera or a portable
> hard drive, I'd like it just to mount and have id mappings set so properly.
> Instead, I end up doing stuff the old fashioned way (look in kern.log for
> the device, then sudo mount, then sudo umount). I don't want to run nautilus
> at all, let alone just for this. How do others do it?

There's only a handful of devices in my life at any given time, so I
just use blkid to find the UUID and then edit /etc/fstab.

> Thanks.
> Jeff Abrahamson
> +33 6 24 40 01 57
> +44 7920 594 255    <-- only if I'm in the UK
> http://jeff.purple.com/
> http://blog.purple.com/jeff/
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