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Re: [RP] [PATCH 3/6] Disable sfdump if there is no xrandr support.

From: |cos|
Subject: Re: [RP] [PATCH 3/6] Disable sfdump if there is no xrandr support.
Date: Sun, 27 Nov 2016 22:21:43 +0100
User-agent: NeoMutt/20161104 (1.7.1)

Mathieu OTHACEHE @ 2016-11-27 (Sunday), 17:58 (+0100)

On the negative side, if the user unplug a screen and plug a different
screen, it will have the same id as the previously unplugged screen.

I would consider that expected behaviour. One could compare it with how a newly opened window might reuse the number of a previously existing window. This is a window manager after all. Even although it is scriptable, the primary use involves interactive use, where it is reasonable that the user actually pays some attention.

While you're looking at reworking the xrandr patch, it might be worth noticing the corner case where all displays are disabled. Unfortunately, at least with the version of the patch I tried, ratpoison does not seem to recover from the state with zero active screens, even after one (or more) get readded.

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