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Re: [Repo-criteria-discuss] repo-criteria-evaluation

From: Yui Hirasawa
Subject: Re: [Repo-criteria-discuss] repo-criteria-evaluation
Date: Tue, 26 Apr 2016 18:42:10 +0300
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.24 (2015-08-30)

> Please include mention of the fact that source forge inserted viruses into
> program installers. For this they should be marked lower than F!

You can't really fault the current owners for what a previous owner did.
Sourceforge was recently acquired by some other company and at least
they said that they'll fix things. I don't know if they actually have,
at least they should be given a chance.

> Also a minor point: github has added a new 'block' feature that bars people
> from forking a repo (even if it is GPL3).

That is really unfortunate but you can just get around it by cloning,
making a repo and pushing to that.

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