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[Rule-list] Test: RULE 0.5.3

From: Martin Stricker
Subject: [Rule-list] Test: RULE 0.5.3
Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2002 03:17:47 +0100

So I finally finished downloading 0.5.3, but had not yet the time to get
0.6.0, but I wanted to test, so here it goes...

Hardware: 166 MHz Pentium I MMX, 160 MB RAM, 2.4 GB IDE harddisk, 10x
CD-ROM drive, Matrox Mystique 4 MB RAM graphics.

linux mem=8M failed! Not enough memory! *grumble* Today I saw on
enigma-list a thread where someone got RHL 7.2 working on his 8 MB 386
laptop (after installing on a different machine and switching disks). So
RULE *should* support 8 MB installs! Devon, could you please throw out
that restriction completely? I'll then test the install descending 1 MB
each time so we can find out how much memory *is* necessary.

linux mem=12M worked fine. I chose German language, and found the "Wenig
Speicher" install option. Nice touch, devon, thanks! After arguing with
fdisk (it wouldn't put my swap at the beginning of the disk where it's
faster, but then that isn't fdisk but some frontend (this actually is my
very first install of RHL 7.2 ;-) )) the install went smooth, but I
selected only the base install, nothing else.

I chose 128 MB of swap.

Weird enough, this turns up unresolved dependencies: up2date is whining
for python, rpm-python, python-xmlrpc, gnupg and rhn-register, and then
python for gmp. That's not good, the base install as well as any of the
additional options should satisfy all their dependencies. Also since
up2date is network-based it should be included in one of the additional
network options rather than in the base install. But maybe 0.6.0 fixes
that, too.

I chose to install the additional packages, too. The install started,
the estimated time grew ad grew, and finally got up to 23:43 min.
Altogether the install took 38 minutes. The system booted flawlessly
into linux mem=12M.

I'll do more testing with 0.6.0 tomorrow (actually, today, it's 3 AM
already, yawn). Devon, if you could remove the memory check completely
I'll try how low I can go (with 128 MB swap first, later I'll decrease
swap, too). I'll take half an hour without doing *anything* visible as a
failure (don't have that much time testing). Oh, and could you put your
first ISO up again, I would like to get it, too (will take 2 days,
though). I'm always collecting all the versions. BTW, has someone boxed
sets to sell of RHL 6.1, 6.2 or 5.2 and lower? I'd like to get them,

Excellent job, Devon!

Best regards,
Martin Stricker
Registered Linux user #210635:

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