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[Rule-list] Slinky enhancements

From: hairylarry
Subject: [Rule-list] Slinky enhancements
Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2002 15:28:41 -0500

Michael and all,

How close is slinky to internationalization? I would want the English 
language prompts to be fairly stable before asking others to translate 
them. What can I do to help with this?

I would also like to work on the slinky auto installer. That is an install 
to a system with one drive only to be fully dedicated to linux that 
would do the partitioning without user intervention. This will work in 
most slinky installs and avoid many of the hard questions that 
newbies stumble on. 

Should this be a slinky option or another program? 

What shell is slinky using now? Still busybox? What math is 
available and what syntax does it use? A link to the document would 
be great.

I worked on this earlier and decided to postpone refinement while 
slinky was undergoing rapid change. How stable is slinky now? How 
close to alpha?


Larry Heyl

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