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Re: [RULE] Boot-floppy detect.

From: Vegard Munthe
Subject: Re: [RULE] Boot-floppy detect.
Date: Sun, 26 Jan 2003 18:31:53 +0100 (CET)

> I've made modifications to the detect boot floppy.
> [ ... ]
>      Machine ID: machine-1043448889

You really put pressure on me to get my backend up and running. Excellent!
But I will also make a non-database based verion of the disk, since few
groups that do computer registration actually have people to set up such a
database system. I'll use cut to parse the report.txt file, and display it
on the console. This way they can continue using their existing paper
(yes, paper!) registration method unrestricted, but with far better
accuracy, if they are so inclined.

> I'd be happy to help. What software have you selected to date? Pointers to
> URL's appreciated. I'll see what I can come up with.

Testing the VGA I have deemed as unimportant so far. If the graphic-card
works enough to produse console text, chances are very high the card is
working properly.

Monitors on the other hand will be tested, and I have so far looked at
this tester (which will be run on a dedicated PC):

Memory testers usually insist on controlling memory themselves, therefore
might only be feasible on their own floppy. This is what I use today:

What remains is hardisk test and possiby NIC test, keyboard/mouse test and
CDROM test.

For hardisk badblocks is an option, although a _very_ slow one. Searching
for bad block might be a bit overkill (I live with badblocks on all my
computers, shrinking their HD size little by little to ensure stability :)
so a simpler read/write to disk would probably be adequate (bonnie++ might
do this in its benchmark testing).

Network Interface Cards I have no idea how to test, since I have only
found vendor specific testers.

Keyboard/mouse tests would have to involve inputtests by users with both
at and ps2 keyboard interfaces and seriell and ps2 mice interfaces.

CDROM tests aren't that important for the time beeing, as they are not
critical for the use of the PC, but a simple read test from a CDROM if a
CDROM exists would be pretty simple to accomplish with the floppy, and
should therefore be included in the tests.

But enough about me, lets talk about rUle.

-- Vego

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