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[RULE] Re: Slinkydetect

From: Ingo Lantschner
Subject: [RULE] Re: Slinkydetect
Date: Sat, 28 Jun 2003 14:03:46 +0200

Hi Vego!

> > 1. The file on the disk is called: "MACHINE-" (w/o the quotes) and not
> > MACHINE-xxxx where xxxx is number. This results in overwriting the file
> > with the next machine.
> Strange, it works for me. I'll have a look.
ok, thanks, that would be fine!

> > DISK:ATAPI/IDE:Unknown:FUJITSU MHH2064AT:/dev/hda:12685680:240:63:839
> > on a 6 GB Notebook. Reads strange to me.
> The last 4 section are cylinder/heads details. The exact format I can't
> remember on the top of my head, but the detect-lib docs has the details.
> You can then use this to calculate the size of the disk.
ok,thanks for this hint - actually it is no more difficult now:
May I suggest that you add the following to the Slinkydect-Webpage - its
already in the format so you must only paste it into the sourcetext:
    How to calculate the size of the Harddrive:
        The result of Slinkydetect reads like this:
        DISK:ATAPI/IDE:Unknown:FUJITSU MHH2064AT:/dev/hda:12685680:240:63:839
        The last for numbers are: Total_Sektors:Head:Sektors:Cylinders
        The last three multiplied give the first number - the total
        number of sectors on disk.
        Each sector has generally 512 Byte - so all you have to do is to
        multiply this number with 512. In our example
        12685680*512=6.495.068.160 Bytes which is 6.194 Megabyte or 6,05
        The above considers to be 
        1 Megabyte to be 1024^2 = 1.048.576 Byte
        1 Gigabyte to be 1024^3 = 1.073.741.824 Byte

Bye, Ingo.

Ingo Lantschner

        Verein zur Unterstuetzung von Menschen
        Marchettigasse 5/11, A-1060 Wien
        Tel (+43-1) 595 5766
        Fax (+43-1) 532 4041

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