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[RULE] Real Endusers installing w/ Slinky

From: Ingo Lantschner
Subject: [RULE] Real Endusers installing w/ Slinky
Date: Tue, 01 Jul 2003 22:09:57 +0200

just got the following problemreport from someone here in Austria
preparing for her journey to Kinshasa. (Background: There is a second
organisation near Vienna, who does IT-projects in Congo - they asked us
for technical assistance)

---- snip ----
Last login Jan 4 ......
address@hidden linux]$
-bash: linux command not found
---- snap -----

Well what happended: She set the password "linux" for her user "linux" and
since she had to type it twice when she set it during setup, she types
it twice during login.

What I want to point out: The ones who develope such a system and even
"testers" like me, have real problems thinking in the way a "real"
Linux-Newbies think (and act). 

And: Due to the fact, that these boxes are not networked, a login with
password for the user, does not make real sense.  The setup is already
complex enough so it does also not make sense to prepare the users for
the next step, which will be a networked system. It is not a good
strategy to explain solutions to people before they ever had the problem
to that solution.

To make it short: Can we have a simple way to avoid the following during
Slinky-Setup, if the Network-Packages are not selected:
* Prompting for creation of a User
* Typing its Fullname
* Seting the password

Instead of this I would recommend to create a user named "user",
Fullname: "Default User", Password none. And all of this automatically.

Again: Only if network is not selected and only for the user not for

Thanks for your attention, Ingo.
Ingo Lantschner

        Verein zur Unterstuetzung von Menschen
        Marchettigasse 5/11, A-1060 Wien
        Tel (+43-1) 595 5766
        Fax (+43-1) 532 4041

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