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[Savannah-hackers] address@hidden: address@hidden: Sad News]]

From: Richard Stallman
Subject: [Savannah-hackers] address@hidden: address@hidden: Sad News]]
Date: Wed, 1 Aug 2001 13:26:32 -0600 (MDT)

Schelter's death means that GCL and maybe some other packages now have
no maintainer.  We have to look for new maintainers for them.

Brad, have we got a prominent list of packages for which we seek a new
maintainer?  Perhaps it should be in /help/help.html.  I remember
bringing up this issue some weeks ago, but I don't remember how it
came out.

His date of death should be recorded in gnuorg/copyright.list
with any assignments he has signed.

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From: Noah Friedman <address@hidden>
To: "Richard M. Stallman" <address@hidden>
Subject: address@hidden: Sad News]
Reply-To: Noah Friedman <address@hidden>
Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2001 13:03:11 -0700 (PDT)

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I don't know if you ever met Bill, but I got to know him because he did
some work for Computational Logic while I worked there, and he was also in
the math dept. faculty along with my father.  He was maintaining GCL.

- --South-Africa/CBNRC/strategic/MD2/virus/Maple/USCOI/zY0vsohMrA
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From: Efraim Armendariz <address@hidden>
To: address@hidden
Subject: Sad News
Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2001 12:55:37 -0500

Dear Faculty and Staff,

It is with great sadness that I inform you of the death of our 
respected friend and colleague, Bill Schelter.  Details of his death 
are sketchy since Bill was in Moscow at the time, but it appears that 
Bill had a heart attack on Monday night.  I also have no information 
at this time concerning plans for buriwl or services, but will 
forward further news as it becomes available.

Bill is survived by his daughter, Karen Schelter White, who resides 
in Cedar Park, his son, John Schelter, attending medical school in 
Dallas.  Bill's former spouse, Angela, resides in Austin.  Bill is 
also survived by his new spouse, in Moscow, whom he had recently 


- --South-Africa/CBNRC/strategic/MD2/virus/Maple/USCOI/zY0vsohMrA--
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