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[Savannah-hackers] submission of invoke

From: gerall
Subject: [Savannah-hackers] submission of invoke
Date: Sat, 12 Jan 2002 22:12:04 -0500

A package was submitted to
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Gerall Kahla <address@hidden> described the package as follows:
License: gpl
Other License: 
Package: invoke
System name: invoke
This package does NOT want to apply for inclusion in the GNU project

I have written a program, which I call \'invoke\', that is used from the 
commandline.  Invoke hands off a target file to its mime-type handler 
application.  There are several unique things about this application currently:

0) supports open standards (mime.types and mailcap files)
1) it is written in C (POSIX compliant) -- not Perl like other apps of this 
2) the stdout and stderr streams from the handler application can be re-routed 
or silenced with a commandline switch
3) it fully supports the \'test=\' argument of the mailcap RFC1343 (unlike lynx 
and similar)

Currently, invoke remains running while the handler application does its thing. 
 However, in future versions I hope to make invoke smart with regard to 
threading off a child process for the handler.  Dealing with this behavior from 
a console has turned out to be a little beyond me at the moment...

I\'m almost finished with a detailed explanation of how to write mailcap rules 
that invoke can take advantage of.  I\'m planning on putting this documentation 
under an appropriate Free Software / Documentation License when it\'s ready for 

Invoke already exists, and I\'m in the process of putting it on the web.  It\'s 
out of reach at the moment, but I can email anyone who wants it a copy of the 
source code tarball.  I suspect invoke will be accessible on the Internet 
within the next week.  (by 01/19/02)

Invoke is distributed under the GNU General Public License.  Invoke is also 
already using the GNU autoconf and automake tools to make a simple 
\'./configure && make && make install\' installation...

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