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[Savannah-hackers] submission of invoke

From: kahlage
Subject: [Savannah-hackers] submission of invoke
Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2002 08:50:04 -0500

A package was submitted to
This mail was sent to address@hidden, address@hidden

Gerall Kahla <address@hidden> described the package as follows:
License: gpl
Other License: 
Package: invoke
System name: invoke
This package does NOT want to apply for inclusion in the GNU project

I have written a program, which I call \'invoke\', that is used from the 
commandline.  Invoke hands off a target file to its mime-type handler 
application.  There are several unique things about this application currently:

0) supports open standards (mime.typs and mailcap files)
1) written in POSIX-compliant C
2) stdout and stderr streams of the handler application can be re-directed or 
silenced with a commandline switch
3) it fully supports the \'test=\' argument of teh mailcap RFC1343 (unlike lynx 
and similar)

Currently, invoke remains running while the handler application does its thing. 
 However, in future versions I hope to make invoke smart with regard to 
threading off a child process for the handler.  Dealing with this behavior from 
a console has turned out to be a little beyond me at the moment...

I\'m almost finished with a detailed explanation of how to write mailcap rules 
that invoke can take advantage of.  I\'m planning on putting this documentation 
under an appropriate Free Software / Documentation License when it\'s ready for 

Invoke already exists and you can find it\'s source code package at 

Invoke is distributed under the GNU General Public License.  Invoke is also 
already using the GNU autoconf / automake tools to provide a simple 
\'./configure && make && make install\' installation.

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