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[Savannah-hackers] Re: address@hidden: Re: GNU.FREE web page]

From: Jason Kitcat
Subject: [Savannah-hackers] Re: address@hidden: Re: GNU.FREE web page]
Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2003 12:36:09 +0100


Mathieu Roy <address@hidden> said on 29/3/03:
>You're trying to manage the freenet webpage on, according to
>the message subject, aren't you?

Nope. GNU.FREE Internet Voting page.

>I do not understand the exact situation:
>        - Did you ever downloaded via CVS the cvs module you want
>        - If not, what is this CVSROOT?
>If you never downloaded it, this CVSROOT cannot be related. You should
>work in an another directory, to avoid confusion.
>If you already downloaded it, a CVS directory must exists.

A long time ago I downloaded the files successfully on another machine
with a different SSH key etc etc.

I need to update the page to reflect a major change in the project's

I have no idea what the CVSROOT thing is about, CVS is installed by
Apple's Developer Tools setup.

>Can you replace it by:
>Host * 
>Protocol 1,2


>Several days ago, someone using MacOS told me that they ship a cvs
>version outdated since 4 years. 
>Can you give the output of 
>cvs --version
>If the version is older than 1.11.x, can you update this software?

Concurrent Versions System (CVS) 1.10 `Halibut' (client/server)

Indeed that seems to be old.... I'll investigate updating it.


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