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[Savannah-hackers] submission of newbie OS -

From: wiehepeter
Subject: [Savannah-hackers] submission of newbie OS -
Date: Thu, 03 Apr 2003 13:43:51 -0500
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A package was submitted to
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Peter Wiehe <address@hidden> described the package as follows:
License: other
Other License: Public domain. As I stated above the code should be a reference 
and laerning material.
Package: newbie OS
System name: newbieos
Type: non-GNU

A PD code base for bootloader/kernel programmers.
In NASM, for x86 (386+, except bootblock which is perhaps 286+).
Not a complete kernel (who knows..?) but instead a code base, where
programmers can learn from, or take partially or completely for their own 
kernels/bootloaders. First code will be a bootblock of a FAT floppy 
( ) which can load multiple(!) files from 
the rootdir and is configured by a text file(!).
Future plan: A stage2 bootloader which switches to pmode and then(!) loads a 
kernel. Sort of generic code to enable A20, setup GDT etc.
It\'s all intentionally very primitive and minimalistic.
Further future dreams: Some parts of a real kernel (mem management, process 
mangment,...) and OS environment (C-Lib, shell, compiler), in NASM or C. But 
that\'s very optimistic.
If ever C is used, GCC and ANSI-C are the main focus, but maybe I support some 
proprietary C-compiler features. The rule \"No better version on proprietary 
OS\" will be observed.

Other Software Required:
(At runtime) Relying on nothing else than BIOS. If ever it gets that far that 
it uses a C-Lib, it will be only its own C-lib (=part of the project).

Other Comments:
Because (all) people should be able to learn from the code this is NOT 
copyleft, but PD. 

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