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Re: [Savannah-users] Many repos for one project; integration of non-GNU

From: Michael J. Flickinger
Subject: Re: [Savannah-users] Many repos for one project; integration of non-GNU project
Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2011 03:07:13 -0400
User-agent: Waffles

Hi Jordi,

Any additional repositories you'd like to use for hg will have to be
requested via Savannah support request.  There's no real limit to
the amount of repositories you can have, but once again, they all
have to be requested via support request.

The simplest solution, and lowest maintenance solution, would be to
just create another single repository which hosts all this other content.

If you want complete separation of this content from GNU Octave you
could also register a new non-gnu project for all the contributed content.
Doing so would also allow for other people who are not members of the
Octave project to control who has access to write to the repositories.

Hope that helps,

On 3/24/11 1:53 AM, Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso wrote:
GNU Octave's sister project of user-contributed functions
Octave-Forge[1] needs tighter integration with Octave.

The way it's arranged right now is a bunch of semi-independent
separate packages with occasional dependencies between them. They are
written in several styles, and although almost all of them are free,
they don't usually follow GNU coding standards.

Regardless, it's rather awkward to end users, because they don't
clearly see the separation between Octave and Octave-Forge, mostly
because Matlab, whose escaped refugees constitute a large part of the
Octave userbase, doesn't often make a clear distinction to end users
betweeen core and toolbox functions. It would be most convenient users
if the same tools that they can use to report bugs to Octave and
develop Octave could be used for Octave-Forge.

The problem is that we really need a separate repo per Octave-Forge
project. Since Octave itself is using hg, it makes sense to me to
create one hg repo per Octave-Forge package and to host it all in
nongnu, but it doesn't make sense to me to create a separate project
per Octave-Forge package. Can Savannah currently handle this setup?

Can you suggest some ways to accomplish this?

- Jordi G. H.

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