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Re: [Simulavr-devel] simulavrxx - state of affairs

From: Klaus Rudolph
Subject: Re: [Simulavr-devel] simulavrxx - state of affairs
Date: Sun, 01 Feb 2009 10:12:31 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20081227)

Hi all,

the situation is still the same as the last years. I actually have no
projects with avr and I could not spend time for the simulation at all.
Compiling the sources is still very simple by using a simple Makefile.
All the things around like autotools seems to be broken. Bill has
dropped his activity as he wrote in his last mails.

I have running simulavr on my linux box at home without any problems. It
could be that there is a need for some minor patches because of new
warnings of actual gcc toolchain. But nothing which is really a
technical problem. My local sources are compiling without warnings. Only
code generated from swig are source of some warnings but also without
effect in the tool itself.

I have not checked in something since years and the old linux box is not
running anymore. So it is possible that I have not actually access to
the cvs. :-)

But I will look for it and put there my last local sources if possible.
I also will check in my Makefile. I will not start with configuring
autotools. If someone wants to do that: Good luck :-)

As in the past I will answer on all technical questions as I did the
last years. But there where not many questions at all. :-) Maybe all
using studio and are happy.

So let me look for the access for cvs the next days and will be back as
I have finished the last updates... If you got no answer next days...
feel free to remember me! :-)

Have a nice weekend!

>> Joerg Wunsch and I are admins/developers of many of the open source
>> AVR projects: avr-libc, avrdude, avarice, avr-gcc-list and avr-chat
>> mailing lists, WinAVR, FreeBSD AVR toolchain port, etc.
>> I believe both of us would be willing to take over ownership.
> I've already got a lot of rights in the simulavr project group, it's
> just that I'm not an admin.  However, my contribution there was/is
> restricted to keep the old simulavr running enough so the most blatant
> bugs are eventually fixed.
> As I already wrote, I can't even convince simulavrxx to a full build
> on my FreeBSD, so quite some amount of work would be needed to get its
> build infrastructure up to the level other opensource projects are.  I
> don't have the time for that myself (if I had more time available, I'd
> probably rather fill the void in AVR-GDB first Ted once left).
> So IMHO it will take at least one (further) active contributor to
> regularly maintain the code base, including committing everything to
> CVS.

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