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Re: [Simulavr-devel] Address of breakpoints from source lines

From: ThomasK
Subject: Re: [Simulavr-devel] Address of breakpoints from source lines
Date: Sat, 19 Jun 2010 10:25:14 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20100317)

Hi Sebastian,

From looking at this and at, I got the impression that, to
"continue" from a breakpoint, you must delete it. And to recognize that
a breakpoint was reached, you test if getCurrentTime returns increasing
values when you call doRun?

Yes for the first part. No for the second, I use getCurrentTime() in assertInitDone only as a failsave point, if the given init breakpoint isn't arrived inside a time limit.

Is there a way to have non-blocking breakpoints, where only a callback
is called?


The breakpoint handling is "old", means: simulavr is started to support a gdb remote interface. Python interface came later to support testing and python scripts too. It wasn't the goal to control simulavr complete by python and to write, for example, a avr debug application with python. Python interface is - similar to tcl interface - a possibility to give access to simulavr core.

The gdb uses breakpoints, as I've seen, also in this way: set a breakpoint and if arrived, delete it again. That's the reason for this implementation. (correct me, if my assumption is wrong)

What would be the advantage of simulavr-breakpoints over checking PC
after Step()-ing in single steps in a python script? Better performance
because the inner loop is completely in C++?

Yes, better performance and you havn't to support 2 different systems. But, you CAN do so! (it was also my solution before I've made some changes to use the core functionality!)

In this manual:
I found a chapter on how to read line numbers from COFF. In the ELF
backend chapter, there isn't very much:

If BFD hasn't a dedicated interface to such feature, then the task is a little bit more complicated. (and it hasn't as I interpret your answer)

For elf you have to seek at first for elf standard, how to extract debug information sections and then for dwarf I resp. dwarf II standard, how to interpret debug informations. It's some work, but it's possible (I had to work with such in a business project)

But the main statement is, it's not a task of simulavr, it's a task of your special application. (in the same manner like gdb) So, maybe there is a modul in future to read in such informations and to provide it for a application, which need it. But it would be wise in my opinion to hold it in a separate project.

My method (Popen avr-gdb) works for me, so I don't have a big need to
extend simulavr right now. But if more users need this feature (get
adress of breakpoint by line) it's maybe worth to implement in simulavr.

Why not. Good old unix tradition! And running on a unix os it shouldn't be a problem. It dosn't mean, that we tell: no, till the end of all time! ;-) Like I wrote before, it's better to separate such functionality (adaptions to have a better support are possible, of course) to not to get a "eierlegende Wollmilchsau" (in German, because I don't know a right term in english)

cu, Thomas

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