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[Social-discuss] Brainstorm - "DISCOVER GNUSELFS"

From: Steven C. Morreale, M.D./M.P.H.
Subject: [Social-discuss] Brainstorm - "DISCOVER GNUSELFS"
Date: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 16:55:00 -0400
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20090711)

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Distributable Internet Server & Client Objects VPN/SSH'd by
End-user-controlled Restrictions for GNU Networks of User-Controlled
Scalable Extensibile Linked Folder Sharing

whew... so what could that mean?

I think a GNU Public Licensed FirstClass (OpenText Corp) Client/Server
clone would be the most superior and revolutionary "platform" for social
networking and freeing people from Microsoft product lock-in and these
abhorrent web-based applications that lead to false concepts such as
cloud computing as being the future.  We want to encourage people to
instead see what using GNU/Linux and having freedom would be like... to
have access to containers that are portals to Freed end users who are
willing, able, and available real-time to interact with them.
We want our network of freedom supporters noobs and pros alike to be
flexible, in an open environment that is secure for a range of end-user
controlled and administered online interactions, collaborations and

FirstClass is far superior to Microsoft Exchange/Sharepoint server but a
proprietary corp who is fighting MS product-lock-in... they do offer
their cross-platform client gratis, and there is even a gratis server
(limited to 5 users).  If we could convince FirstClass to become GPL'd
it would help break proprietary monopoly product lock-in... and promote
liberty instead... or we could make our own thing enjoying the best
ideas from all of us...

The FirstClass client connected to the FirstClass server is vastly
superior in end user experience and security to ANY web-browser PHP
based applications - including FirstClass's own web-browser based
interface that clones the look and effects of the experience with the
client.  So I think heading down the web-browswer PHP-driven road will
never achieve an end result that I would ever enjoy using.

We want people to leave their restrictive niches... or even better to
never join them in the first place.

So I agree... with being revolutionary and doing something ~completely
different~ patterned after the FirstClass client/server end-user
experience and feature-rich toolsets...
inspired by the following:
- - my own noob-to-power end user and (host-supported) noob-server
administrator experiences with FirstClass...
- - usb pen-drive portable applications
- - usb portable distros with persistent data
- - all of the various GNU/Linux distros and GPL'd software
- - ssh/vnc/remote desktop

I got thinking - this social networking should be REVOLUTIONARY...
A noob-to-pro deployable GNU/Linux distro that is a server
A noob-friendly client that secures a connection to a shared server's
public space kinda like a BBS.  A feature rich GUI experience - meaning
many tools from a Full GNU/Linux Distro - shared to the end user
interlinkable work-spaces.
The client and all served software would be Free Software including the
software of a "full distro."
A secure encrypted connection with the server and client that gives the
connected users a GUI (or a text-based one) that can do everything a
regular desktop GNU/Linux can do... but remotely - and interact with the
other users connected to that machine, or on another server connected to
that machine.

A secure remote desktop, where end users can unify their communications
in compartmentalized but interlinking containers (folders).
They can set permissions on containers and share them to permit
extensible and scalable end-user self-administration of these spaces,
the software operating permissions within them, and the customizable
permissions of the things they create and how others will interact with
them in public, and semi-private shared workspaces.  Include tools and
containers that also publish interactions for people who visit the
server via a web-browser.

Why sacrifice functionality, features, and the ability to unify
communications in one place by writing things that are restricted by
flawed design written only for use on web-browsers which are really just
trying to emulate a cross-platform client/server experience?

Well I am rambling and don't really know what I am talking about
technically speaking but do know exactly what I am envisioning being
able to be created...

- -Steve

Steven C. Morreale, M.D./M.P.H.
DrGNU FSF#6887
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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