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Re: [Stratagus-devel] AI in stratagus

From: ludo
Subject: Re: [Stratagus-devel] AI in stratagus
Date: Thu, 28 Aug 2003 19:36:17 +0000
User-agent: KMail/1.4.3

You wrote:
> Don't we already have that? NEW_AI (the default) is a scheme script that
> keeps executing. Please read data/ccl/ai.ccl.

NEW_AI only play an immutable sequence of attack/defend schema... It always
send units in the same order. It can't actually handle complexes actions
(like the transporter exemple ).
Writting much more complexe AI scripts would lead to a somewhat smarter

> There is no need for
> individual unit AI, unit actions are hardcoded but work rather fine.

For unit AI, the same problem applies when it comes to handling new
 ressources types...
I agree that existing actions work fine. But if you need something that is
 not already existing, you have no way to do it without hacking the source
 for the engine. ( and if you are not a great coder, that may be a challenge
 ... )

Moreover, if you keep the hardcoded model, the engine will need to provide
each actions required by any of the games based on it, or each game will
require a patch to the engine...

> Also, having AI scripts for every unit can get very expensive.

It really depends on how it is implemented. Simple action can be kept
hardcoded ( as move, ... ). In this case, the script will only be used from
times to times. Moreover, since the script is kept simple, its memory cost is
kept low... Let say 512 bytes per unit... You get no more than 200Ko for a
whole game.
I already have such a script engine working. ( )

> I don't think that we have to make everything configurable, we might
> just as well write everything in scheme.

But it would look exactly like it already is in the C source...

grep me no patterns and I'll tell you no lines.

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