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Re: [STUMP] window/frame model

From: Eric Abrahamsen
Subject: Re: [STUMP] window/frame model
Date: Sat, 15 Sep 2012 20:42:18 +0800
User-agent: Gnus/5.130006 (Ma Gnus v0.6) Emacs/24.2.50 (gnu/linux)

On Sat, Sep 15 2012, Shawn Betts wrote:

>>> pull-hidden-other sorts all windows in the group by their last access
>>> time. So windows that were recently focused are at the beginning of
>>> the list. Then it walks that list until it finds a window that is not
>>> its frame's top window. It pulls that window into the current frame.
>> Thanks! That helps quite a bit. I'm guessing that the line in the first
>> paragraph should read "looking for a window that is not *any* frame's
>> top window", right?
> Well, the two statements are equivalent right now. A window always
> exists in only one frame's list. So if it's not the top window in its
> frame then it's not the top window for any frame.
>>>> In a semi-related question, is anyone doing anything like the following,
>>>> and/or could anyone help me fix this?
>>>> --8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
>>>> (defun send-key-other-window (dir)
>>>>   ;; `last' of `group-frames' doesn't actually return the most
>>>>   ;; recently focused frame, just the last in a list apparently
>>>>   ;; starting at top left. How do we sort according to most recently
>>>>   ;; focused?
>>>>   (send-fake-key
>>>>    (frame-window (car (last (group-frames (current-group)))))
>>>>    (kbd dir)))
>> Interesting… That's good to know, though my problem here is with
>> targeting the correct frame and window, not with sending the keypress.
>> I'll muddle with it a bit more.
> Ah! I missed that part.
> frames are stored in a tree so that destroying frames removes the
> split the way it was created. group-frames collapses that tree into a
> list.

Okay, just for curiosity's sake: is the tree made use of in any
significant way? I see that the `sibling' command will select a
different frame based on the tree structure, but beyond that I don't see
the tree making much of an appearance. Is that right?

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