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EZBin update: can write to file; still getting tcl script error

From: Rick Riolo
Subject: EZBin update: can write to file; still getting tcl script error
Date: Tue, 4 Feb 1997 11:57:16 -0500 (EST)

Hi Chris etal,
Following chris's suggestion, I set my EZBin to
write to a file at create time, and now it works fine.
So since what I want is a way to just take snap shots of 
distributions (not all for all time), I just created the method
below, and added a probe to that method in the ObserverSwarm probe.

But...I still have the problem with the tcl script errors
whenever I pass the cursor over the GUI EZBin frame.
(this is independent of writing to a file).

 - r

Rick Riolo                       address@hidden
Program for Study of Complex Systems (PSCS)
1061 Randall Lab     University of Michigan
Ann Arbor MI 48109-1120

-(void) writeEZBinToFile: (char *) fileName {
        id aBin;

        fprintf(stderr,"Writing EZBin to file '%s'....\n", fileName );

        aBin = [EZBin createBegin: globalZone];
        [aBin setGraphics: 0]; 
        [aBin setFileOutput: 1]; 
        [aBin setTitle: fileName];
        [aBin setAxisLabelsX: "unHappiness" Y: "Count of Bugs"];
        [aBin setBinNum: numUnhappyBins];
        [aBin setLowerBound: 0.0];
        [aBin setUpperBound: 1.0]; 
        [aBin setCollection: [heatbugModelSwarm getHeatbugList]];
        [aBin setProbedSelector: M(getUnhappiness)];
        aBin = [aBin createEnd];

        [aBin reset];
        [aBin update];
        [aBin output];
        [aBin drop];

        fprintf(stderr,"Done writing to file.\n" ); 

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