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Re: heatbugs and 1.0.4

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Re: heatbugs and 1.0.4
Date: 06 Jan 1998 17:08:16 -0800

>>>>> "PT" == Pietro Terna <address@hidden> writes:

PT>     But ... I've a new problem: adding the graph of a specifig bug
PT> unhappiness (moving the Heatbug label from Heatbug window to
PT> graphBug in HeatbugObserverSwarm window) I obtain a strange
PT> behaviour: if I keep the Heatbug window opened anything runs well,
PT> but if I add a second bug to graphBug in HeatbugObserverSwarm, the
PT> second graph is superimposed to the first one; on the contrary, if
PT> I close the first Heatbug windows and then I add a second graph I
PT> receive a lot of error messages, but I've two different graphs
PT> well operating.

I can't reproduce this; could you describe the steps again, and show
what the error message actually are?  (BTW, please CC address@hidden
on this sort of thing).

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