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Re: setGraphWindowGeometryRecordName:

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Re: setGraphWindowGeometryRecordName:
Date: 06 Jan 1998 20:48:58 -0800

>>>>> "KC" == Ken Cline <address@hidden> writes:

KC> I wonder if it wouldn't be possible to write a single method that
KC> would support the `setWindowGeometryRecordName' for any number of
KC> primitives.  This method could exist in some fictional
KC> GUIComposite class and any subclass would get the
KC> `setWindowGeometryRecordName' functionality for "free".

Ken, thanks for reminding me I should strive to do the Right Thing!  ;-)

I've added a GUIComposite class that ActionCache and EZBin inherit
from.  Now, instead of specially-named methods for a composite (e.g.
setControlPanelGeometryRecordName), composite classes call either:

- (const char *)windowGeometryRecordName


- (const char *)windowGeometryRecordNameForComponent: (const char *)NAME

A GUIComposite subclass uses these to pass on a name to an
ArchivedGeometryWidget component.  In the latter case, a "-NAME" is appended
to the argument of setWindowGeometryRecordName provided by the user.

The only change this should require in apps is to rename
setControlPanelGeometryRecordName to (the conventional)

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