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strange obj_msg_lookup error

From: Steve Emsley
Subject: strange obj_msg_lookup error
Date: Fri, 30 Jan 1998 04:25:48 GMT

Hi all,

Anyone have any ideas of what might be causing the following error:

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x8153330 in objc_msg_lookup ()
(gdb) bt
#0  0x8153330 in objc_msg_lookup ()
#1  0x80837f1 in +[List(any) _createBegin:] (self=0x81ea180, _cmd=0x81971c0,
    aZone=0x82342f8) at List.m:24
#2  0x8077524 in +[CreateDrop(s) _create:] (self=0x81ea180, _cmd=0x8190eb0,
    aZone=0x82342f8) at Create.m:28
#3  0x8052e33 in -[SimOcean buildObjects] (self=0x8234c40, _cmd=0x818fea0)
    at SimOcean.m:200
#4  0x804cadb in main (argc=5, argv=0xbffff8cc) at main.m:66
#5  0x804c83b in ___crt_dummy__ ()

The relevant line SimOcean.m:200 is simply
  waterColumn = [List create: [self getZone]];

I suspect a memory problem but it doesn't make sense. The model has
dynamically allocated arrays so that a water column can be divided
into depth/layers compartments. If depth = 300.0 then all is O.K. if
layers = 5, 10, 15. Then I get this error for layers = 20, 25 ... with
30 I get a malloc error. However, it works O.K. for layers = 60 but
not for 75, 100, 150, 300.

I'd understand if I was running out of heap BUT why does it work for
60 but not 20,25,30?

When I move the  waterColumn = [List create: [self getZone]]; statement
before creating an object that required a couple of dozen arrays then
it works for layers = 5,10,15,25,60,75,100 but NOT 20&30. The error
message (obj_msg_lookup) now points to the line:     
waterID = [WaterClass createBegin:[self getZone]]; 

i.e. another memory allocation statement.
Has anyone experiences a similar problem?

 Steve Emsley                 Ecosystems Analysis & Management Group
 address@hidden              University of Warwick, England
 http://www.oikos.warwick.ac.uk/~sme/           (+44) (0)1598 753648

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