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dynamic scheduling (revisited)

From: Geoffrey Schultz
Subject: dynamic scheduling (revisited)
Date: Wed, 1 Apr 1998 11:01:52 -0500 (EST)

I was wondering whether there is a generally accepted workaround to the
dynamic scheduling bug that has been written about, off and on, for the
last year?  (Essentially, if I'm correct, an action inserted into
schedule B while in the context of schedule A will be ignored).  For me,
this bug surfaces when swarm activity on a repeating schedule tries to
schedule an action on a dynamic or event-based schedule -- the action on
the dynamic schedule does not get executed.

I'm using an adaptation of the workaround discovered by Manor:


however, I'm wondering if there is a more efficient method than
occupying the dynamic schedule with (bogus) actions at every timestep?

Geoff Schultz

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