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Re: a swarm IDE collaboration or the digital entomolgist's dream

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Re: a swarm IDE collaboration or the digital entomolgist's dream
Date: 03 Apr 1998 16:59:19 -0800

>>>>> "ZK" == Zia Khan <address@hidden> writes:

ZK> How soon will the Hive actually implement these "simple pieces"
ZK> since a large portion of your resouces seem dedicated toward
ZK> "evolving" Swarm?

To clarify, I didn't mean to suggest it wasn't a good idea to develop
such an IDE.  It's just that given our limited resources, we have to
focus on the pieces that aren't likely to be accessible to the
research programs of the Swarm user community.

At the moment, our top priority is documentation, and finishing the
AWT frontend.  Then we'll work on kernel features like parallelization
and general integration and packaging things.

At this rate, a schedule editor could easily be nine months off.

Does this answer your question?

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