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terminating the model...

From: Laszlo Gulyas
Subject: terminating the model...
Date: Fri, 10 Apr 1998 18:02:33 +0200 (MET DST)

Hi gurus,

Is it legal to terminate the simulation from an agent?

I want to stop it right away when some condition (inside the agent)
becomes true. 

I implemented it by 

[getTopLevelActivity() terminate] 

but received the following error:

error: ForEachIndex_c (instance)
ForEachIndex_c does not recognize setLoc:
IOT trap/Abort (core dumped)

It looks like an internal error and my feeling is that it comes from
somewhere inside the scheduler, it's being in the middle of a forEach
action-loop. So, I got the idea that I am doing something illegal, though
I could not find any clue on it in the documentation.

Thanks for any help.

(CEU, Budapest)

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