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Re: getLoc/setLoc

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Re: getLoc/setLoc
Date: 30 Apr 1998 11:31:03 -0700

>>>>> "GR" == glen e p ropella <address@hidden> writes:

GR> Shouldn't there be a kind of list query in there to find what
GR> location a "Member" is at? Symbols aren't capable of carrying
GR> this kind of info, though, are they?

Nope, what would be needed would be a Location object.  Then one
could literally ask a `Member' for a location. 

GR> Maybe the getLoc should be
GR> changed to be something like getTypeAtLoc and setLoc should be
GR> removed completely to avoid confusion between LocSymbols being
GR> indices into a collection?

Hypothetically, I'd be inclined to make a change to a completely new
name like getMemberStatus.  In a `design' sense, removing setLoc would
just be a question of how many theoretical sorts of collection index
types couldn't support getOffset.

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