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Re: 1.2 pre-install help on MKL DR3

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Re: 1.2 pre-install help on MKL DR3
Date: 10 Jul 1998 07:45:54 -0700

>>>>> "LTV" == L Thomas Vest, <address@hidden> writes:

LTV> The DR3 Redhat installer sets up Tcl & Tk 8.02 shared libs, so
LTV> all my relevant files have the .so suffix, rather than the .a
LTV> that the BLT config script seems to want. 

It is always preferable to print out what actually happened.
It should work fine to use shared libraries.  The BLT8 configure
script prints out that it is looking for a .a file, but actually
it ends up using a wildcard to match the library, which will also match
the shared library. 

LTV> Then I tried installing new
LTV> Tcl / Tk sources from Scriptics (in /usr with -shared and -gcc
LTV> enabled), and came up with the following error at tcl configure:

If you are using a package-based systems (e.g. RPM), don't ever
install things in /usr -- pick another location like /usr/local.

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