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Re: Problems with a CGI script

From: Alex Lancaster
Subject: Re: Problems with a CGI script
Date: 29 Jul 1998 03:10:11 -0600

>>>>> "BS" == Benedikt Stefansson <address@hidden> writes:

BS> On another note - but regarding this particular problem in Swarm -
BS> I wonder if Marcus or Alex can explain why we even have the kernel
BS> / archive object look for the users home directory when Swarm is
BS> executing in batchmode? It seems like a bad idea overall, since it
BS> would seem to decrease portability - i.e. dependency on Unix shell
BS> type environments etc. Wouldn't it be a good idea to switch around
BS> this code block when the batchmode flag is set? (I'm assuming that
BS> only the archiver depends on knowing where the users home
BS> directory is).

Well one of the reasons is that the .swarmArchiver may be used for
reasons other than simply stored the window positions for GUI
simulations.  It's intended as a common resource for Swarm apps.

Think about what would happen if emacs ignored your `.emacs' file when
you happened to run using the no windows mode.... i.e. `emacs -nw'.

As far as the portability issue goes - even in WinNT we end up
emulating a Unix-like environment.  

 --- Alex

  Alex Lancaster         |   e-mail: address@hidden
  Swarm Developer        |      web: http://www.santafe.edu/~alex
  Santa Fe Institute     |      tel: +1-(505) 984-8800 (ext 242)

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