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Re: BoolLib-1.1

From: Alex Lancaster
Subject: Re: BoolLib-1.1
Date: 30 Jul 1998 17:03:34 -0600

>>>>> "RP" == Randy Picker <address@hidden> writes:

RP> I'm not sure if I follow. Untarring elsewhere is simple enough
RP> (assuming we have a unix box here at the law school (I did try to
RP> untar on my macintosh and ran into the same problem as on
RP> windows)).

RP> You made it sound as if the interface would get screwed up if the
RP> filenames were changed, which is what I would need to do to have
RP> the files reside on my windows machine. Do I misunderstand?

It's not strictly the case that the interface would necessarily have
to change, although if you want to maintain the (good) convention that
the name of your class (in this case BoolNet) remain the same as
filenames BoolNet.[hm] you would need to change the interface.

What I was suggesting was to rename the files *without* renaming the
classes as they currently stand but only as a temporary measure.
Having file names and class names that differ won't break the
interface, but it introduces an unnecessary asymmetry between the two
which can be confusing in the long term.

What I will probably do for the release proper is to rename as

boolnet.h -> boollib.h 
boolnet.m -> boollib.m  

This will break the interface in the sense that the user will need to
have the statement:

#import <boollib.h>

in place of 

#import <boolnet.h>

And all other references of the subdirectory `boolnet' internal to the
library, will also have to be changed.  That is you'll import
boollib/BoolNet.h rather than boolnet/BoolNet.h etc.  Most of these
changes will be internal unless you intend to subclass from the

It's not a big change, if you're simply using the library, a la the
demo app BoolNet, but it is an interface break.  You could also
implement the same changes if you want.


  Alex Lancaster         |   e-mail: address@hidden
  Swarm Developer        |      web: http://www.santafe.edu/~alex
  Santa Fe Institute     |      tel: +1-(505) 984-8800 (ext 242)

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