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Re: BoolLib-1.1

From: Alex Lancaster
Subject: Re: BoolLib-1.1
Date: 30 Jul 1998 15:02:08 -0600

>>>>> "RP" == Randy Picker <address@hidden> writes:

RP> A prior set of messages describes a problem with getting access to
RP> boollib-1.1 on windows machines. When you untar it, it tries to
RP> write to two names that are the same, save for case differences,
RP> which windows won't accept. The prior message describes a version
RP> 1.1.1 which was to fix this, but the version I got from
RP> http://www.santafe.edu/projects/swarm/users/user-community.html
RP> still seems to have this problem.

Well, you got me.  I did promise to fix this problem some time ago -
but since the BoolLib is/was a labour of love (I wrote it before
starting at SFI), and not what I'm paid to do, it kind of got pushed
aside in the Swarm 1.2 flurry, unfortunately.  Sorry.

The other reason is that in order to fix this problem I'm going to
have to change one of the file names for either boolnet.[hm] or
BoolNet.[hm] - either way it will break the current interface, which
is something I'm somewhat reticient to do purely for the sake of a
brain-dead operating system like Windows.  (OK, OK I'm declaring my
prejudices here, and it's nothing personal, but I think it's moral
obligation to put the boot into Microsoft every now and then... ;-)

I'll try and get an updated version out soon as I can.

In the meantime - is it possible to untar the archive on some other
not-so-braindead OS?  If so, what you can do is to rename (say)
BoolNet.h to BoolNet_.h and BoolNet.m to BoolNet_.m, change the
appropriate filenames wherever else they appear in the source and then
modify the Makefile and then transfer the files to your Win machine
and it should work fine.

It's a little annoying but it should get you going.


 --- Alex

  Alex Lancaster         |   e-mail: address@hidden
  Swarm Developer        |      web: http://www.santafe.edu/~alex
  Santa Fe Institute     |      tel: +1-(505) 984-8800 (ext 242)

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