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Call for Papers: Economic Simulation in Swarm

From: Benedikt Stefansson
Subject: Call for Papers: Economic Simulation in Swarm
Date: Wed, 12 Aug 1998 10:49:42 -0600

***** CALL FOR PAPERS ******

Economic Simulation in Swarm


Francesco Luna, of  the University  of Venice  Ca' Foscari and  I have
just signed  an agreement  with Kluwer  Academic Publishers to  edit a
collection of  papers on economic modeling  in Swarm,  to be published
late next year. 

We have already been in touch  with several authors which have agreed
to  contribute to the volume,  but we would  like to use this forum to
solicit additional papers from members of the Swarm community. 

The only restriction is that your paper must:

a) study an issue in economics, political economy or business 
b) make significant use of simulation results, and
c) that these simulations must be written using Swarm. 

We will be asking all authors to  provide us with  full source code of
their simulation program(s) which will be made available on a web site
and a CD-ROM. In  addition all data  and  simulation results  that are
referred to in your paper should be made available.  Both the web site
and CD-ROM will include source code and binaries  for Swarm, the Swarm
documentation etc., so that readers can test and run the models in the

The book   will  contain a   lengthy  chapter with    fairly  detailed
introduction to Swarm  in general and  economic modeling with Swarm in
particular - each individual  author  should therefore not spend  time
explaining the intricacies of Swarm. 

The  deadline for  submitting a  final version  of  the papers will be
November 30th 1998, but we need  to hear from prospective contributors
as  soon  as possible. A  suggested length  is  10-20 pages, including
illustrations   and  bibliography.  Because  of  restrictions  by  the
publisher papers must be presented in camera ready format, using LaTeX
or Scientific  Word, and   edited according  to  the  standard  Kluwer
style-sheet. We can provide you with the style-sheet on request. 

If  you  would like to contribute  to  this volume, please  respond by
sending an e-mail either to Francesco <address@hidden> or me (Benedikt
Stefansson)  <address@hidden>. Include a draft  or final version of
your paper, or  in lieu of those a  detailed abstract. Please indicate
your affiliation, and current position, e-mail address and phone/fax
numbers where you can be reached.

****Please don't hit the   Reply-To button for  this message,  since
that will send your message out to the entire swarm-support list!***

-Benedikt Stefansson

Department of Economics, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1477, USA
Tel: (310) 825 4126     Fax: (310) 825 9528   <address@hidden>

8/2-8/31 1998:
Santa Fe Institute, 1399 Hyde Park Road, New Mexico 87501 USA
Tel: (505) 984 8800     Fax: (505) 982 0565   <address@hidden>

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   to day usage of Swarm.  For list administration needs (esp.
   [un]subscribing), please send a message to <address@hidden>
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