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Swarm 1.3 Available

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Swarm 1.3 Available
Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 21:23:01 -0600

To the collectively evolving,

The Swarm team at the Santa Fe Institute is pleased to announce that
Swarm 1.3 is ready. 

Significant new features in the release include:

  o Facilities for making movies of Swarm simulations
    - Screen and widget pixmap snapshots (see heatbugs for an example)
    - Pixmap output to PNG files
  o New classes
    - FunctionGraph, a widget for plotting a function of one variable across
      a give range
    - ListShuffler, a list ordering randomizer
    - MultiVarProbeDisplay, a way to display a matrix of 
      variable probes across a list of objects

  o Support for accessing installed configuration and data pathnames.

  o Much improved portability and autoconfiguration
    - Changes to facilitate package management
      * Debian 2.0 .deb files for BLT 2.4e, libffi 1.18, and Swarm 1.3
      * Redhat .rpm files for BLT 8.0, libffi 1.18, and Swarm 1.3
        (Everyone say thanks to Paul Johnson!!)
    - Support for BLT 2.4
    - Workarounds for Win95-related GNU-win32 bugs
    - Improved installation procedure for Windows
      * A demo application package
      * Environment configuration completely handled by InstallShield.
      * Emacs compilation and shell environments work out of the box.  
      * No environment wrapper executable (e.g. swarm.exe).

Please refer to the Swarm World Wide Web release page for download
URLs, and a detailed breakdown of new features and bug fixes.


   Swarm-Support is for discussion of the technical details of the day
   to day usage of Swarm.  For list administration needs (esp.
   [un]subscribing), please send a message to <address@hidden>
   with "help" in the body of the message.

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