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Re: Randomising ActionGroup

From: Axel von Kamp
Subject: Re: Randomising ActionGroup
Date: Sat, 27 Feb 1999 10:10:40 +0000

Marcus G. Daniels wrote:

> AVK> If you've got a randomized ActionGroup working, could you please
> AVK> send me an excerpt from your program which shows how to do it?
> When there is a technical problem, excerpts are not that helpful
> because they tend to reflect more the author's intent, and often, even
> though the intent is reasonable, details or context are broken in some
> obscure way.  Reproducability is God!

[program deleted]

Ok, your example program works. But now consider the following program
where I put the randomized ActionGroupt onto a schedule:

main (int argc, const char ** argv)
  id actionGroupTest;
  id modelSchedule;
  id obj;

  initSwarmBatch (argc, argv);

  modelSchedule = [Schedule createBegin: globalZone];
  [modelSchedule setRepeatInterval: 1];
  modelSchedule = [modelSchedule createEnd];

  actionGroupTest = [ActionGroup createBegin: globalZone];
  obj = [Responder create: globalZone];

  [actionGroupTest setDefaultOrder: Randomized];
  actionGroupTest = [actionGroupTest createEnd];
  [actionGroupTest createActionTo: obj message: M(m1)];
  [actionGroupTest createActionTo: obj message: M(m2)];
  [actionGroupTest createActionTo: obj message: M(m3)];

  [modelSchedule at: 0 createAction: actionGroupTest];
  [[modelSchedule activateIn: nil] run];

Everything else stays as it was before. When I run this program, the
actionGroupTest ActionGroup will be executed once and even in random
order but after that the program crashes with a segmentation fault. If I
set the defaultOrder to Concurrent instead of Randomized, the program
runs as expected.
Can you reproduce this behaviour? Have I done anyting illegal or unusual
in this program?

Thanks for you help,

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