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Re: getClass problems

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Re: getClass problems
Date: 02 Mar 1999 08:36:58 -0800

>>>>> "JM" == Marshall James <address@hidden> writes:

JM>   someone on the list (can't remember who) advised me to use
JM> getClass as follows:

JM> if ([call getClass]==[incident getClass])

JM> where call is an object and incident is a class. However this doesn't
JM> work for me... is this a known problem, am I using getClass in the wrong
JM> way, etc?

If it doesn't work, which it should, the thing to do is to look at
the values that are returned and see how they are different.  You can do
this with gdb or using printf-style debugging.  How are they different?

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