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How can I trust in Objective-C?

From: Fabio Mascelloni
Subject: How can I trust in Objective-C?
Date: Wed, 10 Mar 1999 10:59:09 +0100

In the interface of one of my program's classes , I define an array of
float values called local_y.After that I initialize it and print its
content with a function called
"printfRow" implemented in this way:

void printfRow(float *vect,unsigned dim)
    unsigned idx;
    for (idx=0;idx<dim;idx++) printf ("%f ",*(vect+idx));
    printf ("\n");

Here's the output for an instance of dim 2 when I try to use its
elements in a method defined int the same class

printfRow(local_y,2); // the output is   4.061603  3.941553

// now I try to write these values whithout using printfRow

printf ("First value : %f \n",*(local_y));             //the output is
printf ("Second value : %f \n",*(local_y+1));     //the output is


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