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Re: Probing structured variables

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Re: Probing structured variables
Date: 08 May 1999 08:43:42 -0700

>>>>> "WS" == William S Shu <address@hidden> writes:

WS> I want to use probeMaps on MyClass so as to be able to change
WS> position.x and position.y.  How do I do it? 

Structures are not supported by VarProbe.  However, you can make an
object called Point, and then create a ProbeDisplay for that.

WS> More generally, How can one display composite variables, including
WS> collection objects, such as arrays?

MultiVarProbeDisplay will display of a list of objects, but the
object components have to conform to the same ProbeMap.

WS> Also, can one display in the same panel instances that are not of the same
WS> class?

Of course, generically typed `id' instance variables can contain any
instances of any class, but you'll only see the reference widget to
click on, not the expansion of the variables.  If you want that,
you'll have to compose the widgets you want one by one inside a Canvas.

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