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Re: [Q] Noddy scheduling question

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Re: [Q] Noddy scheduling question
Date: 06 Jul 1999 09:43:16 -0700
User-agent: Gnus/5.070084 (Pterodactyl Gnus v0.84) Emacs/20.3.11

>>>>> "GP" == Gary Polhill <address@hidden> writes:

GP> Note that the repeat interval for modelSchedule is 2. When I set
GP> it to 1, I got the error message "cannot insert action at time
GP> greater than or equal to repeat interval" -- which struck me as
GP> being an odd constraint. Is there something inherently wrong with
GP> wanting to start something at time 10, say, that will then repeat
GP> each time slot?

Not at all -- but understand that the RepeatInterval feature fixes a
*region* for scheduling that is *tiled*.  If you go past the tiling
boundaries, Swarm complains.

What I usually do with this sort of thing is dynamic scheduling,
i.e. every repetitive behavior takes direct responsibility for
rescheduling itself.  I tend to use approach just because I like going
straight to particular places in the model source code to find out
things about agents.

OTOH, what was *intended* is to create a one-shot startup schedule
that creates and activates a subswarm with a schedule that has the
RepeatInterval and RelativeTime parameters set.  Unfortunately this
doesn't work in 1.4.1; it will in 2.0.

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