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Re: [Q] Noddy scheduling question

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Re: [Q] Noddy scheduling question
Date: 06 Jul 1999 19:22:39 -0700
User-agent: Gnus/5.070084 (Pterodactyl Gnus v0.84) Emacs/20.3.11

>>>>> "KC" == Ken Cline <address@hidden> writes:

KC> I was thinking of something like:

KC>  @protocol ActionSequence <RepeatInterval>
KC>    -setStart: (timeval_t) t; // I'm not sure the set methods
KC    -setEnd:   (timeval_t) t; // need to be in the protocol?
KC>    -(timeval_t) getStart; // Absolute time
KC>    -(timeval_t) getEnd;   // Absolute time
KC>  @end
KC> where the default for start would be 0, the default for end
KC> would be `TimebaseMax' and the default for the repeat 
KC> interval would be 1. 

This does sound more convenient that what is there now.¹ But it might
be good to have an additional method for setting the end condition in
terms of a repeat count, since that would be exact.

KC> There could be an extension of the Schedule protocol that
KC> accepts an "ActionSequence", e.g.
KC>  @protocol ScheduleSequel <Schedule>
KC>    -during: (id <ActionSequence>) seq createAction: (id <ActionType>) act;
KC>      ...
KC>  @end

How is this different from activateIn:?

¹ The MAML folks may already have something like this.

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